- The Balance team
New Collection Emails
Balance is happy to present the recent improvements to our collection flows including new aggregated collection emails. These replace the reminder emails that were sent to buyers until now for each overdue invoice.
Summary of the New Collection Emails
Overdue Digest
Sent weekly on Monday.
Listing all overdue invoices a buyer has with a certain merchant.
This digest shows each of the late invoices’ details, the reason it wasn’t paid and the total amount due.
The language of the digest will escalate if there are invoices that are over 60 days past due.
The buyer can pay the invoices by clicking the payment links straight from the email.
Reminder Digest
Sent weekly on Monday.
Listing all invoices with payment coming up the following week that do not have a payment method set up.
This digest will remind buyers of their nearly due invoices ahead of time, to reduce late payment and friction associated with it.
The buyers can pay the invoices by clicking the payment links straight from the email.
Debit failed email
Sent when Balance attempts to debit a connected payment method (credit card or ACH debit) and the debit fails.
The email will be sent for each invoice with failed payment and will allow the buyer to update their payment details.
Final notice email
Last email that is sent by the automatic flows, on day 105 past due.